Vera Vance, Comics Star
Junior Library Guild Selection
The joy for me of writing a series is to give characters from the launch title their own turn in the spotlight. So here, Vera Vance, Nixie’s shy, quiet friend in Nixie Ness, Cooking Star, gets her chance to shine in comic-book camp. I have to confess my own mother was a lot like Vera’s mother in her disdain for comics, so I didn’t grow up reading them. What an adventure I had as I wrote Vera’s story, lugging home huge stacks of comics and graphic novels from the library so I could figure out why Vera loves them so. Most fun for me was dreaming up the fictional comics that Vera and her fellow campers create in the book. I hope Vera’s story will inspire readers to grab pencil and paper and start drawing comics of their own! Published: 2020 |
Reviews: Vera Vance attends comics-making camp and dreams of attending the final field trip in this installment of the After-School Superstars series. Third-grader Vera Vance is totally into comics, so she is excited to attend an after-school camp devoted to making comics with her friend Nixie (of Nixie Ness, Cooking Star, 2019). Vera has a hard time sticking up for herself, so she suffers through experiences like making a final project with Nixie when she really wants to work on her own project. And when her mom, who values grades and piano but not comics, says no to the camp's final field trip to a comic-con, Vera is crushed, seeing no way to change her mother's mind. But at the last minute, all her camp lessons about the hero's journey and the power of comics come together with Vera's talent to make a pretty brilliant bid for reaching her goal. Vera's shyness will be appreciated and understood by many readers. Her character stays real throughout, and the lovely wrap-up shows how every personality type and situation can find a way to use their strengths to reach their goals. . . [A] satisfying read.
Readers will enjoy the discussions of comics, the moments of classroom drama, and the fine-tuned, sensitive depiction of Vera’s relationship with her mother. It’s no surprise that Vera’s comic reflects her own situation, emotions, and hopes. The unexpected twist here comes when Little Spoon triumphs by creating a happy ending for Vera’s story as well as her own. A rewarding addition to the After-School Superstars series, which opened with Nixie Ness, Cooking Star (2019).